Brinsley Primary & Nursery School

Learn today, be a star of tomorrow!

Brinsley Primary And Nursery School - Foundation 1

    Who’s in the class

  • Profile picture of Mrs K Henderson

    Mrs K Henderson
    Class Teacher

Class Name: Owls

This term our topic is:
What Happens When I Sleep?

We will follow themes about:

  • Day/night 
  • Animals – including nocturnal animals, hibernation and naming parts of their body 
  • Habitats – including caring for the local environment/living things and making comparisons to different countries/places 
  • Routines –including teeth brushing 
  • Jobs/ occupations 
  • Chinese New Year (10th Feb) 
  • Valentine’s Day (14th Feb)   

Some vocabulary we will be learning and using:

  • Day, night, time, light, dark, moon, phases of the moon (full)
  • Hibernation/hibernate, nocturnal, owlet, claws, talons, beak, nest, swoop, prey, woods 
  • Routine(s) 
  • Job(s) 
  • China, Chinese, Year, dragon, chop sticks 

Some books we may read are:

  • We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury 
  • Hello, Mr Moon by Lorna Gutierrez and Laura Watkins 
  • My Best Book of Night-time Animals by Belinda Weber (non-fiction) 
  • Don’t Wake the Bear, Hare! By Steve Smallman and Caroline Pedler 
  • Can’t You Sleep Little Bear? By Martin Waddell 
  • A Book of Sleep by Ll Sung Na 
  • It was a Cold, Dark Night by Tim Hopgood 
  • When You’re Fast Asleep by Peter Arrhenius 
  • I Wish I was a Pilot by Stella Blackstone 
  • Non-fiction books about different jobs 

In Maths, we will focus on numbers 3, 4 and 5. This will include counting, numeral recognition, subitising and composition. We will link shape and the properties of shape to corresponding numbers e.g., 3 and triangles.

In Phonics, we use the Twinkl scheme. For the majority of this year, we will be focusing on Level one which involves recognising rhythm and patterns of sound through learning about environmental sounds, instrumental sounds, body percussion, rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, voice sounds and finally blending and segmenting letters and sounds.

All children will continue to learn about our School values. These will be explored further during our SCARF PSED sessions. This half term our unit is 'Keeping Safe'.

We will visit the Library on Thursdays to ensure that we are developing our love of books through reading for pleasure.

We endeavour to get outside as much as possible and our outdoor learning will be complimented by our Friday welly walks.

Please keep looking at Class Dojo for any dates and information regarding what is happening in our class and in the whole school.

Welcome to Foundation 1

owl picWe hope you enjoy your time in our class. Please see below for links to helpful websites.

Some online stories:       Username: brinsleyowls Password: hoot

The place to find our nursery rhymes and clips:

Join in with some calm yoga for children:


Physical Education

This half term we will continue to develop gross motor and fine motor skills during planned and child-initiated activities both indoors and outdoors. We will also continue with regular 'Squiggle While you Wiggle' and 'Dough Disco' sessions. 

Library books

Every Thursday your child will choose a new library book from the school library. This is for both you and your child to enjoy and read together. Please remember to return the book every week so they can choose a new book to ensure they are developing a positive attitude to a wide range of texts. 


Wow Moments

We would love to hear about any recent achievements, news, or exciting activities that you and your child have been up to at home. In the cloakroom area is our WOW board. Please let us know any exciting things you would like to share about your child. Please let us know when you need more!

Rhyme of the week

We are continuing to sing nursery rhymes each week, and would encourage you to sing these at home with your child. We have a small display and table close to the carpet area, that shows our current rhyme. The following website has animations, words and the tracks for lots of great nursery rhymes.

Speech and Language

Alongside the singing of Nursery Rhymes and sharing different books, we would encourage you to talk to your child regularly about the things you are doing and what they have done at school. This will really support their development with speaking and listening and increase their vocabulary. If you need any ideas, please have a look at our speech and language display and ask if you need any support. We do also have leaflets and support information to help with potty training and moving on from using a bottle and dummy.

We are here to help!

British Values

This half term, we will be focusing on Team Work as part of our Brinsley Values. The children will be talking about what these words mean.

Class Dojo

We use Class Dojo to keep parents and carers informed about the things that we are doing and events that are coming up. If you haven't registered let us know and we can give you the sign up information.




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